Bank Consumer Complaint Form

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Submit a complaint Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
    Submit a complaint. Complaints give us insights into problems people are experiencing in the marketplace and help us regulate consumer financial products and services under existing federal consumer financial laws, enforce those laws judiciously, and educate and empower consumers to make informed financial decisions.
    We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.Learn more

The Fed - I have a problem with my bank. How do I file a ...
    The Federal Reserve urges you to file a complaint if you think a bank has been unfair or misleading, discriminated against you in lending, or violated a federal consumer protection law or regulation. ... You can file a complaint online through the Federal Reserve's Consumer Complaint Form. ... Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

    CONSUMER COMPLAINT FORM *Required Fields FR 1379c - OMB No. 7100-0135 ... Please provide as much information as possible about the bank or financial institution. ... The information you provide will be stored in the system of records entitled B GFRS ‐ 18, "FRB ‐ Consumer Complaint Information" and may be disclosed for the following purposes

Ready to file a complaint? Federal Reserve Consumer Help
    Questions regarding the status of your complaint should be directed to the federal regulator or Reserve Bank identified in our response. If you have questions about how we handle complaints, please view the Federal Reserve Consumer Complaint Process. If you still have questions, call us toll-free at 888-851-1920 (TTY: 877-766-8533).

Submit a complaint Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
    You’ll need the dates, amounts, and other details about your complaint. If you have documents you want to include, such as billing statements or letters from the company, you’ll be able to attach them in Step 3. Make sure to include all the information you can, because you generally can’t submit a second complaint about the same problem.

File a Complaint about a National Bank
    Visit the Consumer Help Center at the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) to see who regulates your bank. If your bank is not a national bank or federal savings association, contact the appropriate regulator to submit your complaint.

Consumer Complaints OCC
    The CAG also provides an avenue to offer informal consumer education on banking and the use of credit and maintains the website. Have you got a question, concern, or complaint about a national bank? We recommend the following options: Contact your bank directly first.

FRB: How to File a Consumer Complaint About a Bank ...
    How to File a Consumer Complaint About a Bank Federal Reserve Banks Contacting Federal Agencies Online Complaint Form. Major Consumer Protection Laws. Following are the major laws that govern financial institutions and protect individuals in their financial dealings.

Printable Consumer Complaint Form -
    Consumer Protection Office 800-282-0515 Fax 866-268-2279 30 E. Broad Street, 14th Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215 Consumer Complaint Form The Ohio Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Section provides a complaint resolution process to resolve

File a Complaint about a National Bank
    Check to make sure that your financial institution is a national bank or federal savings association (thrift). Search Financial Institutions (a new browser window ... you will need to submit a separate complaint form for each institution involved. You will receive separate case numbers for each institution.

Consumer Complaint Form -
    CONSUMER COMPLAINT FORM. The Division of Banking regulates state-chartered banks, state-chartered trust companies and licensed financial institutions such as payday lenders, title lenders, mortgage lenders and mortgage brokers. This office also handles ... consumer, complaint, form, bank, banking, institution, credit ...

Consumer Protection Complaint Form -
    If you have supporting documentation regarding your complaint such as contracts, warranties, bills received, canceled checks, correspondence, etc., please mail or fax copies of these documents as well as a copy of the completed Consumer Complaint Form to the address at the bottom of this screen.

Consumer Complaint
    Request a form via e-mail at; Mail a completed consumer complaint form to: Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions Tennessee Tower 26th Floor 312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue Nashville, TN 37243; Once the complaint is completed and sent to the department, the complaint will be assigned to a Consumer Resources ...

Submit a Consumer Complaint to the FTC Federal Trade ...
    How can I submit a consumer complaint to the FTC? To report fraud, identity theft, or an unfair business practice, visit, click on the FTC Complaint Assistant icon, and answer the questions.. The more information you can provide about the situation, the more useful your complaint will be.

FIRST BANK Complaint Procedures
    followed if the bank should receive a complaint by a consumer directly or through the FDIC or the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). It is the policy of First Bank to: · Investigate the allegation and develop a response to the complaint within 15 business days of receiving it from a consumer or regulatory agency.

Customer Assistance Form
    Please complete this form if you have an inquiry or a complaint regarding your financial institution. Once the form has been submitted you will receive the Customer Assistance Confirmation page indicating that your request has been received. Please note: We cannot act as a …

    WEST VIRGINIA DIVISION OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS 900 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, SUITE 306 CHARLESTON, WEST VIRGINIA 25302-3542 ... Enclosed you will find a consumer complaint form. Please fill in the form with as much detail as possible. Also, please submit any photocopies of ... companies operating in West Virginia and non-bank mortgage lenders and

Filing a Consumer Complaint USAGov
    Steps to File a Complaint Against a Company. If you have problems with an item or service you purchased, you have the right to complain. Start your complaint with the seller or manufacturer. If they don't help, seek help from your local government or a consumer organization. Use these steps to get started. 1. Collect Supporting Documents

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