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The most innovative, technological fishing rod building, rod blanks, and rod components. Our brands carry everything for OEM's, Private Labels, and Rod Builders. Find Rod Blanks, Reel Seats, Grips, Guides, Tip Tops, and Supplies.
INNOVATION with quality craftsmanship and durability are the building blocks of every RainShadow rod blank. As a premier visionary of rod blanks for all applications, we use the most refined processes and hand-picked materials available today.
Batson Rod Blanks: FIGHT FOR EXCELLENCE. Batson’s long-standing commitment to integrity, innovation, quality, and passion is the foundation of our vast product lines. Each and every product goes through rigorous engineering and testing before ever being offered to our customers.
Impeccable, extraordinary, unsurpassed, revolutionary — the ETERNITY fly rod blank series is all that and MORE! This flagship series of fly blanks represents the finest combination of technology and performance that Jaguar Design has ever created. 36 months in …
Dec 25, 2016 · Getbit has a Liberty blank that is great, have built many rods on them with no complaints, but if you want the best out there IMHO Point Blank is the …
Jul 17, 2017 · Batson Enterprises introduced new bass fishing rod blanks for the avid rod builder at the 2017 ICAST show. Here's all the info about them, straight from …
Oct 27, 2009 · Page 1 of 2 - Custom Rod Blank reviews - posted in General Rod Building: I wanted to toss a question out there. Usually, unless asked by a client to build on a production rod blank (i.e sage, loomis, orvis, etc . . .), I try to push the custom rod blanks. I have used several out there, but I wanted to ask your opinions. I know we all have our personal favorites, so now is a good time to share ...
Revelation Bass Casting Rod Blanks Spinning Rod Blanks 2-Piece Rod Blanks Crankbait Rod Blanks Telescopic Rod Blanks Flippin Stick InShore Popping Rod Blanks Musky / Saltwater Musky / Saltwater Rod Blanks Surf Surf Rod Blanks Slow Jig ... Fly fishing blanks are comprised of Fly, Switch and Spey models. ... Batson Enterprises at the Fred Hall ...
Mar 16, 2015 · I need to get a few things out of the way. I don’t keep measurements on every rod I build, I prefer plain rod builds, dont get crazy with wraps or winding checks. I mostly build for myself, some for clients, and friends and family. I’m an avid fisherman, I try to get out at least once a week. I d...
> Rod Building > Fly Tying > Lure Making Angler's Workshop 580 North St. Springfield, IL 62704 : Call Us (800) 546-8922 Fax (217) 670-2329 : Retail Store and Phone Hours -
May 12, 2015 · Review of the RainShadow Eternity2 and Revelation fly. Started by Batson-Brands, ... Sounds like a rod blank designed for actual fishing instead of showing off. I like it. Back to top #3 Cody. ... Free RainShadow Revelation Fly blank from Batson! Started by Batson-Brands, 17 Mar 2015 RainShadow, Revelation, Fly Rod and 2 more ...
Introduction: As one of the largest OEM blank and component manufacturers in the United States, Batson Enterprises supplies a huge amount of products to both large-scale rod manufacturers as well as private builders and hobbyists. Our very own Cal first brought you a sampling of a fully-built REVELATION bass rod in our April 2014 product insight piece, and we followed that up by showcasing ...
From these humble beginnings, the company grew to become Batson Enterprises, Inc. in the year 2000. Currently run by CEO Bill Batson, our company is enjoying non-stop growth propelling us into becoming the largest wholesale rod blank supplier and component manufacturer/supplier under one …Reviews: 2
Mar 01, 2016 · Custom fishing rods - the experts at Batson Enterprises tells us what it's all about. They give insights on rod technologies and components for rod building. Related Videos: Custom Rods - …
May 17, 2016 · I love the Kistler KLX's and have been satisfied with the Duckett. I do have one other custom rod that I use for topwater fishing, but I do not know what kind of blank it was built on. My KLX's are comparable to this Point Blank rod, but I do believe the Point Blank is more sensitive. The KLX SRAP 70 M I have is very similar to this rod.
Dec 01, 2014 · Not knowing anything about these blanks, I decided to contact Batson. I knew I wanted one to be a finesse spinning rod for drop shotting and shaky head techniques. One blank that caught my eye was the Eternity2 610M/XF spinning rod. It was very refreshing to talk to a sales person at Batson that was very candid with me.
Most high-end rods are brittle, as brittleness and sensitivity tend to be indirectly proportional. With the Rainshadow you do not need to be gentle, but you must be aware of the blank's capabilities. Hooksets will never be an issue, but high sticking is taboo. Without a doubt the Eternity2 ETEC76M is the finest rod I have ever fished.
Batson Rod Blanks: FIGHT FOR EXCELLENCE. Batson’s long-standing commitment to integrity, innovation, quality, and passion is the foundation of our vast product lines.
Take a look at some of the awesome work on these custom built rods for CCA of the Calfornia rod building contest. They will be shown at the CCA booth at Fred Hall Shows in Long Beach and San Diego. They were built on RainShadow Rod Blanks with ALPS/ForeCast components.5/5(2)
Point Blank. Lamiglas. Our Brands. About Custom Rod Components. Custom Rod Components is the world's leader in custom fishing rod building supplies, components, equipment, and materials to design your handcrafted fishing rod. Contact Us. 141 Watts Street. Jacksonville, FL 32204 (904) 399-5767.
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