We collected information about Delhi Govt Complaint Cell for you. There are links where you can find everything you need to know about Delhi Govt Complaint Cell.
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Incoming grievances / complaints are directed against the different departments under the jurisdiction of the Government of the National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi, its local bodies, undertakings / other organizations, owned or substantially financed by the Government of Delhi. Delhi Police has also been brought under the Commission.
This site is designed, developed & hosted by National Informatics Centre, Ministry of Electronics & IT (MeitY), Government of India and Content owned by Department of Administrative Reforms & …
Complaint cell Transport Department Govt . of NCT of Delhi 5/9, Under Hill Road Delhi-110054 Tel.No.3930763 Or you can ring up the Following helpline No:42-400-400: Latest News : Advertisement 47APP on contract basis: Automated System of Allotment Govt. of Delhi (e-Awas) Budget-19-20:
Delhi Pollution Control Committee 4th and 5th Floor, ISBT Building, Kashmere Gate, Delhi-06 . Online complaint can be updated on Grievance cell . Delhi Pollution Control Committee, Government of N.C.T. Delhi 4th and 5th Floor,ISBT Building,Kashmere Gate,Delhi-110006.
The Government of NCT of Delhi with the prior approval of the Central Government, Ministry of Home Affairs has established a Public Grievances Commission (Commission) with a view to providing a comprehensive mechanism for redressal of grievances of the public against the Departments of the GNCT of Delhi, Delhi Police and Local Bodies ...
The Commission functions in the manner of a Civil Court and strives to ensure aims envisaged in the Act through its various programmes like Sahyogini, Mahila Panchayats, Rape Crisis Cell, Mobile Help Line and Pre Marital Counselling Cell. The jurisdiction of the Commission is within National Capital Territory of Delhi.
Since there are no hospitals under DHS, complaints received against hospitals under Delhi Govt. are forwarded to MS of concerned Hospitals for necessary action Note: If the grievance/complaint is not solved despite approaching the above authorities, kindly contact:-
Portal of Delhi Government is a single window access to information and services being provided by the various department of Govt. NCT of Delhi.
Complaint cell Transport Department Govt . of NCT of Delhi 5/9, Under Hill Road Delhi-110054 Tel.No.3930763 ...
NEW DELHI: With the hundreds of parents complaining against fee increase as the most recent provocation, the Delhi government will establish a “complaint centre” to “deal with” private ...
The complainant will have to submit a written and signed complaint addressed to the Women Cell. Any woman employee academic/ non – academic (including contractual, casual and temporary) and female student of NIT Delhi can approach the Cell. Contact email: womengrievancecell@nitdelhi.ac.in
About Cyber Crime Cell . The Cyber Crime Cell of Delhi Police is a specialised unit that handles all complex and sensitive cases of cyber crime including those in which victims are women and children.
Delhi Pollution Control Committee by virtue of delegation of statutory powers and functions by Central Board, has to carry out all the duties cast upon it under Water Act and Air Act.
National Portal of India is a Mission Mode Project under the National E-Governance Plan, designed and developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC), Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India. It has been developed with an objective to enable a single window access to information and services being provided by the various Indian Government entities.
Online Complaint/Grievance Registration: Complaint Registered On Through Public: Name of Complaintant: Address
Mega Job Fair 2019 for wards of Delhi Police Personnel and retired Police personnel. SUPREME COURT GUIDELINES FOR PREVENTION OF MOB VIOLENCE AND LYNCHING. Extracts from the speech of union minister for Home Affairs on the occassion inaugration of new building of Delhi Police Headquarter. Date of Mega Job Fair 2019 Extended.
Lodge Complaint; Complaint Status ... Contact Us; WELCOME TO THE POLICE COMPLAINTS AUTHORITY. The Police Complaints Authority (PCA) was initially set up by Govt. of N.C.T of Delhi vide Resolution ... the Hon'ble Lt. Governor of the National Capital Territory of Delhi constituted the Police Complaints Authority for NCT of Delhi to deal with the ...
Content is owned and maintained by Chief Minister’s Special Cell. Site is Designed & Developed by National Informatics Centre, Chennai.
Higher administrative level – For Delhi- Addl.Director (HQ) The addresses and contact numbers may be found in the contact list. Beneficiaries are advised to approach the authorities normally in the order they are mentioned above, personally, or through phone calls, …
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