We collected information about Eurohandbags Complaints for you. There are links where you can find everything you need to know about Eurohandbags Complaints.
1 review for Eurohandbags, 1.0 stars: 'Hi Everyone,, FYI- Tried to order a replica hermes bag. After giving my husbands credit info: And saying to mail it to his wife: They replied with the name on credit and mailing doesnt match They wanted copies of utilities bills driverslicence etc I then said mail it in my husband name...thats a match...card and name... they said no...how about a wire of ...1/5(1)
Consumer complaints and reviews about Eurohandbags.com. Stay away from these crooks. Online Scams We use cookies to improve your experience on our site and to show you personalised advertising.
Sep 23, 2010 · Hi again Sumwise, We are all familiar with the line "if its too good to be true then it probably is" - But in this case it might not be the case. I tried searching for negative posts or complaints against this site but I couldn't find any. They seem pretty established having been online since 2003 - so if they were a scam site they might have been gone a long time ago!
Eurohandbag.com. 3.8K likes. Eurohandbag.net is a Cyprus company with factory of hight quality leather goods, leather products and a distributor of leather craft supplies. We hand make and sell high...Followers: 3.8K
Feb 14, 2020 · Many customer reviews are positive, and commend the store on their wide selection of items as well as having great deals and promotions available on many products. Customer complaints are mostly due to the outsourcing of customer service and issues that arise from not being able to communicate well with folks that do not natively speak English.
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