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If your complaint is about a court commissioner or referee, provide copies of your correspondence to and from the local court. * A complaint should not simply state conclusions, such as “the judge was rude” or “the judge was biased.” Instead, the complaint should fully describe what the judicial officer did and said.
Making a Complaint about an Arizona Judge Anyone can file a complaint against a judge. Click on complaint form for the Commission's official complaint form. A letter will be treated as a complaint if it contains the information required on the official form. There is no charge for filing a complaint.
Please visit the website of the appropriate court office, as described in the Rules, to determine whether local rules apply and to obtain a complaint form. Please also see the Graphical Overview of the process for filing a judicial conduct or disability complaint against a federal judge.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION:. This form is designed to provide the Judicial Qualifications Commission with information required to make an initial evaluation of your complaint and to begin any needed inquiry or investigation into your allegations.
COMPLAINT ABOUT A CALIFORNIA JUDGE, COURT COMMISSIONER OR REFEREE Confidential under California Constitution Article VI, Section 18, and Commission Rule 102
However, please be advised that it may not be possible for the Commission to investigate your complaint without revealing your identity to the judge. If you request confidentiality, and the Commission believes that it may reveal your identity to the Judge, we will advise you before proceeding.
New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct Complaint Form ... Judge's Name * First. Last. Judge's Court * Judge's County * Date(s) of Incidents(s) * Name of Case (if applicable) * Index Number of Case (if applicable) * Summary of Complaint. In the space below, please describe the alleged misconduct.
Nov 23, 2019 · To complain about a judge, you’ll need to get a complaint form from your district website or the judicial conduct commission in your state. Make sure you read the judicial conduct rules for your court to determine which rule they broke. Then, fill in your form with details about the judge, the case, and their misconduct.
Complaints against a judge. If you believe a judge has violated Supreme Court Rules Relating to Judicial Conduct, you may file a complaint with the Commission on Judicial Conduct.The commission investigates complaints it receives, and it can also investigate judicial misconduct on its own.
Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct . Richard J. Hughes Justice Complex . P.O. Box 037, Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0037 ... complaint form and send it to the address shown above. Be advised that the Committee will not return ... Please state the nature of your complaint against the judge(s) and provide specific facts to support your
Instructions for filing a complaint against a judge. ... Please use the complaint form. The Commission's address is: 251 N. Illinois Street, Suite 1600 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint and will contact you in writing if we need more information. If you supplement your complaint, you must do so in writing.
COMPLAINT FORM AGAINST JUDICIAL OFFICER : I hereby request an investigation of Judge Ronald King of Worcester, Marlborough and Leominster Courts in the county of Worcester, Massachusetts.
Filing a Complaint by Mail. There are two versions of our Request for Investigation form available. The first version is for Microsoft Word. If you have Microsoft Word, open the complaint form. You can then fill out most (all but date and signature) of the form in Word, Print It, Sign It, and Mail it to us.
the complaint form, the statement of facts, and any attachments must be filed. If the complaint is about more tha n one judg e, enoug h copies must be filed to provide one for the cler k of the c ourt, one for the chief judge, and one for each judge complained about. Enclose each copy of the complaint in an envelope marked “COMPLAINT OF ...
Substitution of Judge. For both civil and criminal actions in Montana (with exceptions), each adverse party is entitled to one Substitution of a District Court Judge. This does not apply to any judge sitting as a water court judge, to a workers' compensation court judge, or to a judge supervising the distribution of water.
If you believe a judge has violated the Code of Judicial Conduct, you may file a complaint with the Board of Judicial Conduct. Before filing a complaint, please review the Frequently Asked Questions for more information about the complaint process and what the Board of Judicial Conduct may consider.. To file a complaint, you must fill out a complaint form.
FAQs: Filing a Judicial Conduct or Disability Complaint Against a Federal Judge Judicial Conduct and Disability Orders Archives of the Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability
If you have a complaint of unethical conduct by a judge, visit the Iowa Judicial Qualification website for complaint forms and information on the complaint process. If you have a complaint about an attorney, visit the Complaint Against a Lawyer page for complaint forms and information on the complaint process. Complaints about Court Staff
Understanding the Complaint Process. When the Commission receives a complaint about an active Florida judge it is assigned a JQC docket number. An acknowledgment letter containing the docket number is then sent by US Mail to the complainant.
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