State Indiana Consumer Complaint

We collected information about State Indiana Consumer Complaint for you. There are links where you can find everything you need to know about State Indiana Consumer Complaint.

Attorney General: Consumer Complaint - Indiana
    Consumer Complaint Filing a Consumer Complaint. You can file a consumer complaint with the Indiana Attorney General's Office online or by filling out a printable form. You can also request a complaint form by calling 1.800.382.5516 or 317.232.6330. You can file a Do Not Call/Text Complaint here. Consumer Complaint Forms: Online Consumer ...

Attorney General: File a Complaint - Indiana
    State Jobs ; Indiana Consumer ; Unclaimed Property ; ID Theft Victim Assistance ; Workforce Development, Department of ... Consumer Complaint; Do Not Call/Text Complaint; Do Not Fax Complaint; Gas Gouging Complaint; ... Email the Office of the Indiana Attorney General; Mailing addresses and main phone numbers; Identity Theft Unit;

How do I file a consumer complaint? –
    Regardless of whether you're filing a complaint online or using the printable form, you must complete, print, sign and mail the complaint form, along with copies (please do NOT send us your originals), of all relevant supporting documentation to the following address: Consumer Protection Division. Office of the Indiana Attorney General

Online Consumer Complaint Form -
    This office represents the State of Indiana and is strictly limited in what remedies it can pursue. You may be entitled to compensation or other rights that we cannot pursue for you. In addition to filing this complaint, you should contact a private attorney or a small claims court.

Attorney General: Consumer Complaint -
    How do I file a consumer complaint? When should I file a consumer complaint? What does the Attorney General's Office do? How long does the consumer complaint process take? How do I search for consumer lawsuits?

How do I search for consumer lawsuits? –
    The Attorney General's Office maintains an online database of legal actions initiated by the Office against businesses that have had legal action taken against them that were pursant to Indiana's consumer protection laws. The database contains documents related to legal actions filed in Indiana Courts and decisions from courts on those cases.

State Consumer Protection Offices USAGov
    State Consumer Protection Offices. Find your state's consumer protection office. Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District Of …

Attorney General: Consumer Protection
    Consumer Protection. The Indiana Attorney General's Office is dedicated to protecting consumers from deceptive and predatory business practices. It is also committed to educating consumers to make wise choices when buying products or entering into contracts.

State Consumer Protection Offices USAGov
    Find state and local consumer agencies in Indiana. Get advice, help with complaints, and more.

IDOI: Information
    Toll free (in state only) 800-622-4461 For Consumer complaints, use online Consumer Complaint Form For Provider complaints, use printable Provider Complaint Form Or at: (general questions only) The Consumer Service Department is responsible for: Analyzing and processing consumer complaints

DIFS Consumer Online Complaint Form - State of Michigan
    For our purposes a Business to Business complaint involves the following: The person making the complaint (Complainant) is a company or individual licensed and regulated by the Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS), and is complaining about another licensee (Respondent) licensed and regulated by DIFS.

Attorney General: About Do Not Call -
    The Attorney General’s Office is committed to ensuring Indiana’s Do Not Call law is enforced. If you are on the Do Not Call list and you get a call from a telemarketer after the relevant quarterly list update, you can report it by filing a complaint. You may also call 1.888.834.9969 to request a complaint form.

3 Steps to File Your Complaint - Attorney General Mark Herring
    Where a complaint appears to involve a violation of consumer protection law, the matter may be reviewed to determine if there is a pattern or practice of violations warranting a possible law enforcement action. Your complaint and copies of related correspondence will be retained in accordance with the applicable state records retention schedule.

Consumer Complaint Against A Business/Company State of ...
    In sending this consumer complaint, I understand that the Attorney General cannot answer legal questions or give legal advice to me and cannot act as my personal lawyer. I also understand that the Attorney General may need to refer my complaint to a more appropriate agency.

Attorney General: Prepare and File Articles of Incorporation
    Filing the Articles of Incorporation. Indiana Code section 23-17-3-1 requires at least one person to act as the nonprofit corporation's incorporator by delivering its Articles of Incorporation to the Indiana Secretary of State. The fee for filing a nonprofit corporation's Articles of Incorporation is $30.00.

Consumer Information - The Indiana State Medical Association
    Indiana Department of Insurance Patient’s Compensation Fund Database (malpractice claims history) Filing a Complaint. If you wish to file a complaint against a physician, your options depend on who the physician is, the nature of the complaint and what you are seeking as relief. Read the following bullets below for further explanation.

Attorney General: Professional -
    Professional. The Indiana Attorney General's Office handles complaints against professionals licensed by the State of Indiana. Complaints are investigated to determine whether the licensee has violated any standards of practice or other rules and regulations of their particular profession.

Report Scams & Fraud - Oregon Department of Justice ...
    Search Oregon’s Consumer Complaint Database. Oregon’s Consumer Complaint Database » is built from consumer contacts since January 1, 2008 and is for information only. It may not offer a complete, accurate or comprehensive account of every incident. Several factors, including a company’s size and volume of transactions, may affect the likelihood of a complaint being filed.

Attorney General: Register or Update Your Registration
    How do I file a consumer complaint? When should I file a consumer complaint? What does the Attorney General's Office do? How long does the consumer complaint process take? How do I search for consumer lawsuits?

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