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No. The DoD has a decentralized system for responding to FOIA requests, and the DoD Office of Inspector General can only release records originated by the DoD, Office of Inspector General. Records originated by another DoD component should be requested directly by that component to avoid processing delays.
Your wing Inspector General (IG) plays a vital role ensuring the readiness, discipline, and efficiency of every aspect of your Air Force mission. It is a big job, requiring a global team of dedicated professionals, but your IG cannot do it alone. In fact, the IG’s greatest asset is YOU.
Department of Defense Office of Inspector General ... a quicker way to resolve your complaint, is usually to first contact your local or command-level Inspector General's Office. Matters appropriate for the DoD Hotline . To prevent duplicative work, the DoD Hotline does not accept complaints for matters where regulations prescribe a different ...
Individuals should attempt to resolve Fraud, Waste, and Abuse(FWA) issues and personal complaints at the lowest possible level, using command channels before elevating them to the next higher level or the Office of the Inspector General. Further, complaints must be promptly filed within IG, command, or other grievance channels.
All complaints made to the DoD Inspector General are protected communications under the Whistleblower Protection Act. Complainants are protected from reprisals, including unwarranted referrals for mental health evaluations. The DoD IG Hotline can be reached at (800) 424-9098.
Pub. L. 95-452 as amended, Inspector General Act of 1978; and DoD Directive 5106.01, Inspector General of the Department of Defense. PURPOSE(S): The OIG maintains this system of records in order to carry out its responsibilities pursuant to the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended.
The Secretary of the Air Force, Complaints Resolution Directorate (SAF/IGQ) administers the Air Force Inspector General (IG) Complaints Resolution Program for the Air Force community. The IG Complaints Resolution Program is a leadership tool to promptly and objectively resolve problems affecting the Air Force mission. When
The Complaints Resolution Directorate supports The Inspector General as the focal point for Air Force administrative investigations, fraud, waste and abuse (FWA) prevention programs and …
Dec 07, 2018 · The IG substantiated just 14 percent of investigated complaints in 2008. (Screenshot/U.S. Defense Department Office of the Inspector General) While the substantiation rate is on the rise, the ...
Any military or civilian member may file any Inspector General (IG) complaint. However, many Department of Defense (DOD) civilian complaints (e.g., discrimination, sexual harassment or conditions of employment) must be addressed by agencies other than the IG.
MISSION. To provide the Adjutant General a continuing assessment on the matters affecting discipline, training and readiness of units and activities assigned to the Hawaii National Guard. VISION. To be a cohesive and totally professional team extending the eyes, ears, voice and conscience of the Adjutant General; focused on strengthening the overall readiness of the command.
This form is for filing complaints with the Office of Personnel Management Office of the Inspector General. THIS FORM IS INTENDED FOR REPORTING FRAUD, WASTE, AND ABUSE. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) does not investigate customer service complaints.
DOD Inspector General Hotline Reports Spike in Complaints. By Nick Simeone American Forces Press Service. WASHINGTON, Nov. 13, 2013 – Complaints to the Defense Department’s inspector general hotline have climbed by 125 percent over the past four years, a senior official in the office said, and the cases include everything from abuse in the workplace to the multi-million-dollar contracting ...
The Department of Defense Inspector General (DoDIG) is an independent, objective agency that provides oversight related to the programs and operations of the United States Department of Defense (DoD). DoD IG was created in 1982 as an amendment to the Inspector General Act of 1978Headquarters: Alexandria, Virginia
IF NOT ASSIGNED TO U.S. ARMY CENTRAL / THIRD ARMY, please file your official complaint with the Department of the Army Inspector General:. Click here to visit their website. IF YOU ARE ASSIGNED TO U.S. ARMY CENTRAL / THIRD ARMY and wish to file an official IG complaint, please proceed with this form. Only Soldiers, Families, and civilians assigned to U.S. Army Central Command / Third Army may ...
The following is the DoD Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) statement on the top management and performance challenges facing the DoD. The challenges outlined in this statement were identified based on a variety of factors, including DoD OIG oversight work, research, and judgment; oversight
In those spoofing scams, callers represent themselves as Hotline employees and can alter the appearance of the caller ID to make it seem as if the call is coming from the Hotline number. The Department of Defense, OIG is taking every precaution to prevent the DoD OIG Hotline telephone number from being spoofed in a similar scam.
The Department of Defense Office of Inspector General was established in 1982. The mission of the DoD OIG, as established by the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended, (5 U.S.C. Appendix); and implemented by DoD Directive 5106.01, "Inspector General of the Department of Defense," is to serve as an independent and objective office in DoD to:
FWA complaints may be reported to the Service’s audit agency, any military investigative organization (i.e., OSI, CID, NCIS), security forces squadron, or other appropriate authority. You may file your complaint to any IG at any level, including the Inspector General, Department of Defense (IG, DoD).
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