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The prevalence of pain in the prior six months was 41% for back pain; 26% for headache; 17% for abdominal pain; 12% for chest pain; and 12% for facial pain. Headache, abdominal and facial pain were less prevalent among older persons and more prevalent among females.Cited by: 1200
An epidemiologic comparison of pain complaints ☆. Author links open overlay panel Michael Von Korff ∗ Samuel F. Dworkin ∗∗ ∗∗∗ Linda Le Resche ∗∗ Andrea Kruger ∗Cited by: 1200
A survey concerning common pain conditions and psychological distress was carried out among a probability sample of the adult enrollees of a large health maintenance organization in Seattle. The prevalence of pain in the prior six months was 41% for back pain; 26% for headache; 17% for abdominal pain; 12% for chest pain; and 12% for facial pain.
Epidemiological studies help to establish the health status in a country and allow a better allocation of economic resources. This survey estimated pain prevalence in Catalonia (Spain), analysed its relationship with demographic variables and evaluated pain-associated disabilities.Cited by: 253
An epidemiological comparison of pain complaints in the general population of Catalonia (Spain). Bassols A(1), Bosch F, Campillo M, Cañellas M, Baños JE. Author information: (1)Departament de Farmacologia i de Terapèutica, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193-Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain.Cited by: 253
Epidemiologic comparison of persistent pain sufferers in a specialty pain clinic and in the community. Crook J, Tunks E, Rideout E, Browne G. Most research into the causes and management of chronic pain has come from specialized chronic pain clinics, where patients have been selected through referral.Cited by: 102
People can experience pain as an acute acute, chronic, or intermittent condition, or a combination of the three. Specifically, chronic pain is a complex condition embracing physical, social and psychological factors, consequently leading to disability, loss of independence and poor quality of life (QoL).
Nov 10, 2003 · Epidemiologic studies indicate that the lifetime prevalence of pain symptoms (eg, joint pain, back pain, headache, chest pain, arm or leg pain, and abdominal pain) ranges from 24% to 37% 1 and that physical symptoms such as pain are the leading reason that patients seek medical care. 2,3 Major depression is also common, with prevalence in primary care patients of 5% to 10%. 4 This …Cited by: 2970
If you are a member of the Society for Epidemiologic Research, access to Epidemiologic Reviews is a member benefit. Please visit the SER site to sign in and access the …
A systematic review of this literature by Tang and Crane revealed that risk of successful suicide was doubled in chronic pain patients relative to non-pain controls. General risk factors for suicide in chronic pain patients included family history of suicide, previous suicide attempt, gender (female), and presence of comorbid depression.Cited by: 123
Jul 06, 2005 · Bassols A, Bosch F, Campillo M, Canellas M, Banos JE (1999) An epidemiological comparison of pain complaints in the general population of Catalonia (Spain). Pain 83:9–16 CASCited by: 866
Epidemiology of orofacial pain: A retrospective study. Background: The orofacial pain is a pervasive situation either of somatic or psychological etiology arising from the structures supplied by the trigeminal nerve. Identifying the cause of orofacial pain goes a long way in diagnosis and treatment.
An epidemiologic comparison of pain complaints. Pain. 1988 Feb; 32 (2):173–183. Turk DC, Flor H. Pain greater than pain behaviors: the utility and limitations of the pain behavior construct. Pain. 1987 Dec; 31 (3):277–295. Rudy TE, Turk DC, Zaki HS, Curtin HD. An empirical taxometric alternative to traditional classification of ...
Jun 01, 2016 · Reported prevalence estimates were summarised for chronic widespread pain (pooled estimate 14.2%, 95% CI 12.3% to 16.1%; 5 studies), chronic neuropathic pain (8.2% to 8.9%; 2 studies) and fibromyalgia (5.4%; 1 study). Chronic pain was more common in female than male participants, across all measured phenotypes.Cited by: 268
Epidemiology is the study of how often diseases occur in different groups of people and why. Epidemiological information is used to plan and evaluate strategies to prevent illness and as a guide to the management of patients in whom disease has already developed. Like …
This Journal of Pain Compendium presents the initial outcomes from the first large population-based study designed to identify the biopsychosocial and genetic risk factors that contribute to the onset and persistence of painful temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD) – The OPPERA Study. This study is supported by NIDCR Cooperative Agreement U01 DE017018 that was initiated September 22, 2005.Cited by: 233
Commentary Gender Differences in Pain Epidemiologic Perspectives Linda LeResche I n their Focus article, Drs. Fillingim and Maixner have reviewed data on gender differences in responsiveness to experimental noxious stimuli, interpreted those data as indicating that women are more sensitive to noxious stimuli than men, and proposed a model of how a range of biological and psychological ...Cited by: 7
Jul 01, 1997 · Despite methodologic and population differences, several consistencies are apparent in the epidemiologic literature. Pain in the temporomandibular region appears to be relatively common, occurring in approximately 10% of the population over age 18; it is primarily a condition of young and middle-aged adults,...Cited by: 1118
Back pain in society. The prevalence of chronic back pain should be placed in the context of the prevalence of back pain in general. Many studies attest to the high frequency of back complaints in society. 70–85% of all people have back pain at some time in life.Cited by: 3217
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