We collected information about Government Agency Consumer Complaints for you. There are links where you can find everything you need to know about Government Agency Consumer Complaints.
If the seller doesn't resolve the issue, a government office or a consumer organization may be able to help: File a complaint with your local consumer protection office or the state agency that regulates the company. Notify the Better Business Bureau (BBB) in your area about your problem. The BBB tries to resolve your complaints against companies.
Complaints. Learn how to file complaints and complain more effectively to resolve common consumer problems. Complaints Against the Government. Learn how to file a complaint to your federal or local government and its agencies. Consumer Complaints. Find out what steps to take and who you should contact if you need to file a complaint against a ...
Complaints give us insights into problems people are experiencing in the marketplace and help us regulate consumer financial products and services under existing federal consumer financial laws, enforce those laws judiciously, and educate and empower consumers to …
As the nation’s consumer protection agency, the FTC takes complaints about businesses that don’t make good on their promises or cheat people out of money. We share these complaints with our law enforcement partners and use them to investigate fraud and eliminate unfair business practices.
The Consumer Protection Section of the Virginia Attorney General's Office serves as the central clearinghouse for the receipt, evaluation, investigation, and referral of consumer complaints. Complaints are either assigned within the section or referred to the appropriate local, state or federal agency having specific jurisdiction.
Internet Complaints File a Complaint If you choose to file an informal complaint with the FCC about an Internet-related issue, we will share the information you provide, including your name and contact information, with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
How can I submit a consumer complaint to the FTC? To report fraud, identity theft, or an unfair business practice, visit ftc.gov/complaint, click on the FTC Complaint Assistant icon, and answer the questions.. The more information you can provide about the situation, the more useful your complaint will be.
ALL complaints are reviewed. Some complaints may lead to an investigation. Some investigations lead to recalls. Unverifiable complaints may be removed from searchable information. Note: The review and investigation process MAY take a long time, but don't worry--you will be notified if there is a recall.
An official website of the United States government Español ... Consumer Financial Protection Bureau homepage Featured. Start Small, Save Up ... s fourth research conference features research from a range of disciplines and approaches that inform the topic of …
Protecting Consumers. Home; ... Consumer Complaints. If you would like to report a complaint about a business, check the complaint referral table to find the government agency that regulates that business. You can report your complaint directly to that regulating agency.
The Federal Communications Commission gives consumers the opportunity to file informal complaints about problems with the communications services that the FCC regulates. Complaints can be filed through the FCC's Consumer Complaint Center, which educates consumers about communications issues and guides them through the complaint process.
The Consumer Protection Section of the Office of the Attorney General serves as the central clearinghouse for the receipt, evaluation, investigation, and referral of consumer complaints. Consumer complaints against most businesses operating in Virginia may be filed with this office.
Cable Television - Where to File Complaints Regarding Cable Service The Federal Communications Commission and local franchising authorities are responsible for enforcing a variety of cable television regulations. A franchising authority is the local municipal, county or other government organization that regulates certain aspects of the cable television industry at the state or local level ...
File Complaint. Having a problem with a business? Consumer Affairs Has Your Back. DCA enforces the City's Consumer Protection Law and uses mediation to help you resolve complaints against a business. Important Information about Complaints. Please review our Referral List (in PDF) to make sure that DCA is the right agency to handle your complaint.
The law protects your consumer rights when you buy goods or services. Find out who to contact for consumer protection advice. You can get help if you’re treated unfairly or when things go wrong.
SCDCA takes consumer complaints against businesses we regulate, refers** complaints that fall within another agency’s jurisdiction, and handles complaints against businesses that are unregulated. Your complaints help us find out about illegal business practices, enforce consumer protection laws and identify trends in the marketplace.
File A Complaint about possible mismanagement or diversion of charitable assets. Looking for Something Else? Use our Contact Us Form to ask a question or to find additional information
Consumer Complaints may review customer issues regarding home improvements, furniture purchases, mail order sales, credit card billing and misleading ads. Investigators are assigned to all cases which fall within the jurisdiction of the department. Complaints that …
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