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The official website of the U.S. Air Force. AF.MIL delivers the latest breaking news and information on the U.S. Air Force including top stories, features, leadership, policies, and more. For in-depth coverage, AF.MIL provides special reports, video, audio, and photo galleries.
SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE AIR FORCE INSTRUCTION 36-2706 5 OCTOBER 2010 Personnel EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM ... The intent of the AFI is to integrate program management of the EEO and MEO process. However, EEO and MEO complaint …
Apr 23, 2019 · Investigations under the authority of the UCMJ or the Manual for Courts-Martial (MCM), line of duty or report of survey investigations, quality assurance in the Air Force Medical Service Boards, Air Force mishap or safety investigations, and medical incident investigations are also not covered under the IG complaint program.
Jan 30, 2014 · Answer 2: How do I file an IG complaint? The best method for filing an IG complaint is by filling out the AF Form 102, Inspector General Personal and Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Complaint Registration, available on the Air Force Publishing website. Complete all the personal information so that the IG can later contact you.
EO Complaint Procedures Informal EO Complaint: Every attempt should be made by the supervisor, commander or Sector EOA to resolve the problem at the lowest level. The informal complaint is no less important than the formal complaint and should be addressed with a sense of urgency and a sincere intent to attain resolution.
complaint process. Individual signs AF Form 1587. (Note 5) MEO clarifies framed allegations and briefs appropriate commander(s) of the complaint. Commanders can refer to their responsibilities in AFI 36-2706, Chapter 2, Para 2.5. MEO conducts complaint clarification and determines if complaint is substantiated, unsubstantiated, or inconclusive.
This Air Force Instruction (AFI) gives the requirements of the Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) pro-gram. It applies to all military personnel subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), Air Force Academy Cadets, Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), Air Force Reserve and all Air Force
• File complaint within 15 days of receipt of Notice of Right to File a Formal Complaint ** Air Force Disability Program Manager Mrs. Kendra Duckworth is the A1Q point of contact for EO issues. Her email address is [email protected] and office phone is (240) 612-4006 or DSN 612-4006. ...
USAF agreed to pay a total of $1,058,563 plus other benefits for 178 complaint closures through settlement agreements, final agency decisions, and final agency orders fully implementing AJ decisions. For complaint closures with monetary benefits, the average award was $5,947.
Jun 16, 2010 · SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. -- In the last fiscal year, formal sexual harassment cases Air Force-wide have fallen 68 percent, while informal sexual harassment complaints have risen 45 percent. According to AFI 36-2706, "Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) Program," sexual harassment is "a form of sex discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and …
Grievances and Filing Complaints. Home » Resources » Grievances and Filing Complaints. Grievances and Filing Complaints. Servicemembers often do not know of methods of redress for wrongs. However, there are many forms of complaint, and one or another may be used for virtually any injustice, wrong, or form of oppression.
Your wing Inspector General (IG) plays a vital role ensuring the readiness, discipline, and efficiency of every aspect of your Air Force mission. It is a big job, requiring a global team of dedicated professionals, but your IG cannot do it alone. In fact, the IG’s greatest asset is YOU.
Sep 07, 2018 · implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 36-27, Social Actions, 3 September 1993; ... 22/ANGI 36-3, National Guard Military Discrimination Complaint System). MEO policy fully endorses all efforts to mentor individuals in the ANG and to strengthen the ANG through building a diverse team. 1.3. Program Objectives.
188 Air Force Equal Opportunity Program 189 Equal Opportunity is the condition under which the participation, treatment, and potential for success of Air Force members in all facets of Air Force life are governed only by individual merit, fitness, and capability. To sum this up--EO is the right of all Airmen,
DYESS AIR FORCE BASE, Texas ... MEO's foundation is focused on training and awareness, while EEO is focused on complaint processes and resolution. Neither office will sacrifice its founding principles; instead, each office will reinforce the other, streamlining their operations. Now military or civilian EO advisors can assist military or ...
Col. Chad R. Ellsworth Hanscom Air Force Base Commander's Policy on Equal Opportunity As commander of the 66th Air Base Group, I affirm the Air Force's commitment to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, which guarantees Equal Opportunity (EO) for all employees, military or civilian, regardless of their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, and additionally for ...
I recently applied for miscellanous separation from the Air Force. I know I will probably get shit for this but hear me out first. I have been in the Air Force for over seven years, I am also from Saudi Arabian decent. I've applied for palace chase and was denied. I am still trying to get out because my fiance is pregnant and due in December.
Nov 21, 2006 · TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- The Military Equal Opportunity and Equal Employment Opportunity offices are projected to combine under an Air Force Smart Operations of the 21st century initiative. "Our objective is to provide you with the best possible service maximizing the resources available," said Master Sgt. John Schumann, MEO superintendent.
Apr 06, 2017 · I filed an EO complaint against the Air Force. Not to get into too many details, I filed a complaint regarding the blatant discrimination in our AFI against males. (I am a female who feels for my brothers.) ... "And that's when I realized the MEO officer was actually an 8 …
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