Dept Of Health Nsw Complaints

We collected information about Dept Of Health Nsw Complaints for you. There are links where you can find everything you need to know about Dept Of Health Nsw Complaints.

How to make a complaint - NSW Health Care Complaints ...
    A complaint to the Commission may be about any health service provider in NSW. This includes: practitioners such as doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, psychologists, chiropractors, podiatrists and others, regarding the clinical care and treatment of a patient, or their professional conduct, and ... For complaints about registered health ...

Contact us - Ministry of Health
    Concerns about your health care; NSW Health Care Complaints Commission; Media enquiries; Comments, questions and feedback; Smoking bans - reports and complaints; Disease notification; Contact addresses for the NSW Ministry of Health

NSW Health
    The home of NSW Health, which covers all aspects of public health in NSW.

Home - NSW Health Care Complaints Commission
    Contact Us Submit an inquiry Submit a complaint Postal details 1800 043 159. 9am to 5pm (Sydney time) weekdays. Free call from landline phones anywhere in NSW, but call charges may apply from a …

Aged care Australian Government Department of Health
    Feb 17, 2020 · Aged care programs for the health sector. Home Care Packages Program. The Australian Government subsidises organisations to provide home care services to eligible older people. As an approved provider of Home Care Packages, make sure you understand how funding works, the fees you can charge, and what your responsibilities are. ...

Complaints, compliments and suggestions
    You can also use our online complaints and compliments form. For complaints, compliments and suggestions about schools, visit our guide for parents, carers and students. To make a complaint about a school principal or about a broader function of the department, you can use the online form on this page or email us at

Customer complaints Service NSW
    Sydney NSW 2001; Complaints about our services. Service NSW is committed to providing excellent customer service and every attempt is made to deal with complaints on the spot, however, if you would like to submit a complaint we would like to assure you that we will act in an open and honest manner, and within clear timeframes.

Australian Government Department of Health
    Bushfire information and support. Australia's bushfires are affecting our health in many ways. Learn more about smoke and air quality, how you can access the medical help you need, and what the Australian Government is doing to support your health during these devastating times.

Complaints - NSW Ombudsman
    Our complaint handling work is aimed at exposing and eliminating conduct that is illegal, unreasonable, unjust or oppressive, improperly discriminatory, based on improper or irrelevant grounds, based on a mistake of law or fact, or otherwise wrong.

Complaints Handling Policy Policy library
    Health and physical care. Whole school approach . Policy Library. ... Allegations of criminal conduct must be referred to NSW Police. A number of other complaints must be referred to particular specialist areas of the department as specified in the School Community and Consumer Complaint Procedure and the Staff Complaints Procedure ...

Make a complaint Fair Trading NSW
    For complaints against NSW State Government Departments, please contact the NSW Ombudsman. For information about your consumer rights in relation to products and services that have been purchased from a NSW Government agency where the matter falls under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL), please visit our website: Repairs, refunds, and replacements

What you can complain about to us - NSW Ombudsman
    What you can complain about to us. Our complaint handling work is aimed at exposing and eliminating conduct that is illegal, unreasonable, unjust or oppressive, improperly discriminatory, based on improper or irrelevant grounds, based on a mistake of law or fact, or otherwise wrong.

Department of Education -
    Media releases State of the art public high school opens its doors to students. More than 1,100 students at Arthur Phillip High School are settling into their new innovative and state of the art school in Parramatta following its official opening.

Ministry of Health (New South Wales) - Wikipedia
    The New South Wales Ministry of Health or NSW Health, a ministerial department of the New South Wales Government, supports the executive and statutory roles of the Minister for Health, the Minister for Medical Research, and the Minister for Mental Health.The Ministry also monitors the performance of state-wide health organisations that collectively make up NSW Health.Headquarters: 73 Miller Street, North Sydney

Health Care Complaints Commission
    If you're seeing this message, that means JavaScript has been disabled on your browser, please enable JS to make this app work.

Policy groups Policy library -
    The New South Wales Department of Education policy library contains all current operational policies in NSW Public Schools. ... feedback and complaints; Public schools. Public schools. Everything you need to know about NSW public education, finding schools, understanding enrolment and accessing support. ... Health, safety and wellbeing ...

Department of Health Lodging complaints of alleged ...
    The Complaints Handling Process The complaints are received by the MAIF Complaints Committee (the Committee) Secretariat which is based within the Department of Health. Complaints are registered by the secretariat and provided to the Committee for further consideration. A flowchart has been developed that demonstrates the complaints handling ...

Complaints to the Department of Health - health.vic
    Complaints about SRS can be received by the Department from residents, family, neighbours, service providers, police etc. Complaints can be received by email, phone, mail or in person. Complaints can be received at Central Office or at a regional level.

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